Coach: Cross Country
"I was raised in church my entire life and always went to youth group and tried to live life right. I was on "Quiz Team" which required deep knowledge of the Bible and hours studying. I went to a Christian College and did all the right things. I worked in the church teaching Sunday School and serving anyway I could. However, my personal relationship with Christ was pushed into high gear in 2001 when I shattered my femur in a head on car accident. It was then that I learned, by force, to slow down and face the fact that I was NOT in control, but God was. God didn't want me busy, God wanted me. God wanted a relationship with me. He was not my slave driver pushing me to do more and I was never going to work my way into heaven. I could never be good enough no matter how hard I worked or how much time I spent at church. I needed to repent for my sins, and actually spend time getting to know the God I served.
I do not lead FCA out of obligation or duty to do the right thing. I do it because I literally could not live this life without Christ and want my students/athletes to see how great a God He really is and what difference he could make in their lives. I want their identity grounded in being a child of The King, not what they do. I bring in speakers and take students to events that not only feed them, but also feed my soul. It is mutually beneficial. What a mighty God is He!!"
FCA Role: FCA Sponsor at Webbers Falls Public School
Family: Husband, Jeff. 6 Children