Coach: Basketball and Golf
Favorite Bible Verse: Romans 12:1-2
"I grew up in church my whole life. I was heavily involved in my youth group, went on mission trips to Mexico, and a leader in FCA while in High School. However, on a mission trip to the Arkansas Baptist Children’s Home in Monticello, Arkansas while in College, I realized I’d never truly given my life to Christ and that I had been going through the motions. One night in the gym where we were staying, I surrendered my life to my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ!"
FCA Role: I have been the FCA huddle or co-huddle leader at every school I’ve coached at. I have organized numerous Fields of Faiths, attended many FCA GameDays, and facilitate weekly FCA meetings.
Family: Wife, Jetta Ange
Children, Lincoln - 6, Ledger - 4