Coach: Head Football Coach and Athletic Director
Favorite Bible Verse: 2nd Timothy 4:2
"I was saved at age 11 and grew up in the church. My relationship grew as I got into high school and college and the reason that I wanted to become a coach is I felt a calling to share my faith and help other young men grow. The influence of FCA has played a big part in my life in High School and College and throughout my coaching career."
FCA Role: "I became involved in my high school huddle at 14 my 9th grade year at Okemah High School. John Odell drove from Ada to Okemah to do our first meeting at my parents house. During College I was involved in our FCA Huddle at UCO and a camp counselor at Estes Park, Colorado. I actually met my coaching mentor( Bill Blankenship) at one of those camps and he hired me for my first coaching job out of college a year later. When I was an assistant at Tulsa Union I was one of our coach sponsor’s during that time. Through the years as a Head Coach, FCA has ministered to me and our program. John Odell, Kent Bowles, Jeremy Tim’s and now Nate Gomez have all made a huge impact over the years.
Family: Wife, Mindy
Children: Addie-19, Luke-12